Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Tornado

This is the most traumatic experience in my life and I experienced this at the age of 3. I remember being in the house with my parents and hearing the wind and rain and lightning getting more violent. I remember watching tv with my parents and watching the news about where the tornado was at. I remember my mom and dad looking out the windows at the sky. I remember my mom telling my dad that we needed to get to the cellar now. I remember crying and saying that I didn't want to go outside to go into the cellar and my dad picking me up and taking me out in the rain, lightning and highspeed winds and opening the cellar door and going down in. I remember being in the cellar and remembering that we forgot our dog, Josh outside and screaming, "we forgot Josh, we need to get Josh" I remember my dad going to go outside to get Josh and my mom screaming not to go get Josh to my dad. I remember my dad saying he would be fine and he would be right back. I remember my dad coming back in the cellar with Josh. Then we all huddle in the corner waiting and I remember hearing a loud noise that kept getting louder and the house shaking and things breaking and the cellar doors rattling and wanting to open and when it seemed like the cellar doors were going to open, it stopped. I remember staying in the cellar until morning. I remember coming out of the cellar in the morning light and seeing nothing but destruction, like a bomb went off. I didn't recognize anything. I remember the corn field next to us flattened and all the fields around us flattened. I remember asking where my pool was and saying that we needed to go find it. I remember getting in the back of the truck while my dad drove around looking for my pool. I remember stopping at the neighbors that were outside and my dad talking to them and asking if everyone was ok. I remember moving what we had from Alma, MI to Laingsburg, MI to move into my Aunt's second home that she had.

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